Italian gantry shearing machine safety operating procedures

Operation of gantry shears
Gantry Shears, Metal Shears, Alligator Shears
Now the gantry shearing machine is one of the most used equipment in the manufacturing industry, which is of great help to the work progress. The gantry shearing machine is driven by hydraulic pressure, with reliable quality and performance, and button operation.
1. The metal shearing machine should be operated by a designated person, and other people are not allowed to use it arbitrarily without training.
2. Before driving, check whether all parts are normal and whether the fasteners are firm.
3. It is forbidden to cut unannealed steel parts, cast iron parts, soft metal parts, too thin workpieces, workpieces with a length of less than 100 mm, and workpieces exceeding the length of the scissors.
5. When the metal shearing machine is running, it is not allowed to repair or touch the moving parts with hands, and it is strictly forbidden to press the material in the material box with hands or feet.

Gantry Shear (12)
Nick reminds you that during the use of the product, you must operate in accordance with strict operating instructions, which can not only protect the safety of the operator, but also reduce the loss of equipment and prolong the service life of the equipment.

Post time: Dec-25-2023